Decor and Design

Hidden technology: the key to preserving stunning views

TV incassata nel soffitto - Maior Flip 900

When designing a home or a business space, keeping an unobstructed view is often a top priority. Whether it’s the wide view of a city skyline, the peaceful beauty of mountains, or the calm look of a beach, these views are not just beautiful but also sources of inspiration and relaxation. However, incorporating technology such as televisions into these spaces can sometimes disrupt these important views. Fortunately, there’s a solution that offers the best of both: motorized TV mounts.

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The challenge: balancing technology and scenery

Staffe tv motorizzate a scomparsa

In today’s digital age, televisions are common in most living rooms, bedrooms, and even offices. They offer entertainment and information, but traditional TV setups can be intrusive. A large, black screen can dominate a room, drawing attention away from the natural beauty outside the windows.

This presents a challenge for homeowners, interior designers, and architects alike. How can you enjoy modern conveniences without compromising the visual harmony of a space? The answer is motorized TV mounts, a hidden technology designed to preserve stunning views while offering the flexibility to enjoy media whenever you want.

The solution: motorized TV mounts

Staffa tv motorizzata per soffitto - Maior Flip 900

Motorized TV mounts are an innovative solution designed to retract and conceal the television when it’s not in use, often into ceilings, walls, or cabinets. With a simple click, the TV can be smoothly and quietly revealed or hidden, preserving the aesthetics and functionality of your space.

Key benefits of motorized TV mounts

  • Preserve the view: the most significant advantage of motorized TV mounts is their ability to disappear when not in use. This ensures that your view remains unobstructed, allowing you to enjoy the natural beauty outside without a large TV screen in the way.
  • Aesthetic appeal: with a motorized TV mount, living space can maintain a space-free look. This is particularly beneficial for minimalist or modern interior designs, where sleek lines and unobstructed views are essential.
  • Versatility and flexibility: these mounts offer a high degree of flexibility. It can be installed them in a variety of places — in the ceiling or within a custom-built cabinet. This adaptability means they can be integrated into almost any room or design concept.
  • Convenience and comfort: motorized TV mounts are often equipped with remote controls or smartphone integration, making it easy to reveal or hide TV from the comfort of couch or bed.


Tv a scomparsa nel soffitto - Maior Flip 100

Motorized TV mounts combine style and function, allowing you to enjoy both technology and natural beauty without compromise. By integrating this hidden technology into living space, it can be possible to preserve stunning views, maintain aesthetic appeal, and enhance the overall functionality of a home or office.

As you plan your next renovation or design project, consider the benefits of motorized TV mounts. They might just be the solution you need to create a space that is both technologically advanced and visually breathtaking.